
🔵 BOOK: Sasquatch
🔵 AUTHOR: Roxanne Seubert

“Sasquatch” by Roxanne Seubert marks my first encounter with her work. The cover immediately caught my eye and piqued my interest. The narrative follows a boy named Connor, his sister Penny, and his best friend Darius. During a camping trip with family, Connor loses his golden retriever puppy, Dax, in the woods.

As they search for Dax, Connor’s father receives a warning about the legendary Sasquatch rumored to roam the area. Despite their efforts, Connor returns home disheartened after failing to find his puppy. Undeterred, Connor and Darius devise a new plan to continue the search. Dive into this tale to join their adventurous journey.

The story’s portrayal of the bonding time between Connor and his dad inspired me to plan more family trips. Seubert’s depiction of the woods setting is vivid and immersive. Fans of mystery and adventure will find this book a worthwhile read.

🔵 RATING: 4.5/5

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